Initial Assessment

You meet one-on-one with your trainer in a public setting to evaluate your dog. This gives us the opportunity to gauge the dynamic between you and your dog and allows you to gauge your trainer as well. We like to conduct our assessments in neutral settings to give us a good feel for your dog free from distractions. This may include a park or parking lot of a well known establishment that’s accessible for both parties. We will do our best to accommodate you in this portion.

Here we will breakdown your dogs behavioral issues, assess the conditions in which the behaviors occur, identify the methods & equipment to be applied, and pinpoint the correct areas to improve upon. Programs can range from 4-8 weeks depending on the severity of the issues and if boarding will be necessary for certain phases. We will go over what will happen during each phase of your program, the duration of your program, and outline the goals we will work toward. Programs are typically scheduled at least 2 weeks in advance. This gives us time to draft a comprehensive game-plan for your dog and for you to also document any critical behaviors we weren’t able to assess in person.

• Initial assessment is FREE (1-1.5 hours)

*$500 Non-Refundable deposit required to book program*

This deposit will be applied to your total amount that will be due upon your first day of training.

We only use professional-grade equipment from reputable trusted sellers including:

Phase 1 • The Operations
Phase 2 • The Training
Phase 3 • The Obedience
Phase 4 •The Application