The Training

Here we will begin introducing your dog to scenarios that encompass important aspects of the issues at hand. We will deconstruct the problem areas and train your dog to recognize key elements of the micro and macro scale specific to your dog’s needs. Emphasis will be placed on exposing your dog to as much variation as possible (sights, sounds, smells, visuals, physical sensations) as well as situational and environmental changes. These conditions will be presented in varying levels of intensity, frequency, and duration to ensure your dog is well versed in handling as many changes as possible. This phase is crucial in helping your dog branch out of their comfort zone and approach new situations with the correct mindset.

In this phase we will work on the following:

-Experiencing new ground texture & elevation changes

-Establishing and navigating new flows of activity vs. rest (short and long term)

-Developing new associations before, during, and after troublesome behaviors

-Exposure to a wide range of unique situations that reinforce the desired behaviors

-Structuring interactions with other dogs of various temperaments and energy levels in a controlled setting.

-Effectively maneuvering high-stimulation settings

-Building focus on handler where it’s needed most

-Improving situational awareness

Phase 1 • The Operations
Phase 2 ○ The Training ○
Phase 3 • The Obedience
Phase 4 •The Application